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UI/UX Design
Figma, Canva
5 days
Fizz: The debit card that helps college students build credit
Fizz is a debit card targeted at college students that allows them to build credit.
The app and card have not launched as of yet and so I redesigned their app based on information and app screenshots
from their website.
Old Fizz Design
Research Insights:
{} There is no obvious preference for various colored background screens (stick to white)
{} Students care about rewards from their everyday purchases and recurring payments (nearby restaurants, gyms, subscriptions)
{} The presence of these rewards would dramatically increase app engagement, making it surpass other credit checking apps
such as Credit Karma and CreditWise.
Other Color Iterations
The app is catered to college students and so I had an initial idea that there should be customizable color variations
for each screen
However, after doing some user research into color v. non-color and looking into apps such as [snackpass](<https://www.snackpass.co/>), [braid](<https://braid.co/?gclid=CjwKCAiArOqOBhBmEiwAsgeLmetx-KX5F7e-UWnbuDgvS9kp89LKcNoxGqhQtbf7zoNxYYSnvLoSKhoCtscQAvD_BwE>), and others
college student targetted apps, customization of the background adds no noticeable value and if anything the lack of specific
customization could negatively impact user satisfaction and so I kept the background white in the end.
Home Screen
{} I used emojis throughout at every place that I could because college students and people, in general, respond
better to text accompanied with [emojis](<https://www.leanplum.com/glossary/app-engagement/>).
{} I also kept with the yellow theme of the app and added yellow accents
where necessary to highlight functional features (settings, adding money)
{} The credit card shown is detailed with an EMV chip and NFC (contactless payment) in order to give real-life visualization
of what their card would look like as users respond better to images accurate to real life. Also, for security reasons,
it is important to let users know that fizz.'s cards are secure with these features.
{} Used boxes to group information together, but no hard borders to show that it is part of a larger piece of
information (recent transactions)
Campus Rewards Screen
{} This is a completely new screen I created with no previous design to go off of. I used two curved boxes in order to show
the images related to the rewards and the text, and connected the two with the yellow title.
{} Based on user research I included local restaurants and gyms as rewards
{} The navigation bar at the bottom has emojis only because it is more concise than text.